Twenty-one good years

  • el
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  • by Frank Paynter on May 17, 2025

    In the morning the sounds of
    blackbirds and warblers, catbirds and doves
    male cardinals with their joy-joy-joy-joy

    Fragrance and flowers
    honeysuckle perfume, purple clouds of lilacs
    wild plum blossoms, dogwood, lily of the valley

    Ephemerals gone, trilliums fading and jack in the pulpit rising up…

    happy anniversary sweetie
    I think we’re proof
    that there is life after youth

    { 6 comments… read them below or add one }

    Beth 05.17.07 at 8:01

    Wow, I’m blown away by the beautiful poem and picture. I’m not so good at public declarations of love and happiness, but me, too. And I wish for at least twenty-one more. Love, love, love.

    tamarika 05.17.07 at 2:18

    You two are an inspiration!

    madame l. 05.17.07 at 2:38

    happy happy!

    Tom Shugart 05.17.07 at 9:10

    Way to go, Beth and Frank. Congratulations!

    Dervala 05.22.07 at 11:36

    This made my day, Frank and Beth. Long may you sail!

    David Weinberger 05.22.07 at 6:46

    Many more years to you two crazy kidsadults.

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