Happy Birthday Jess!

  • el
  • pt
  • Cake courtesy zefrank gallery

    Cake! It’s what we let them eat. Cake! Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Home grown, way down home, yeah! Uh ha, uh ha, ho, yeah Gimme some of that, whew! Cake…

    I love cake!

    Mr. Mastodon Farm,
    Mr. Mastodon Farm,
    Cuts swatches out of all material.
    Mr. Mastodon Farm,
    Mr. Mastodon Farm,
    Cuts swatches out of all material.

    Someone had to do the cakes right, and it was going to be us.

    He began a pursuit of all things pound cake, adding floured blueberries to the batter, mixing in flavored yogurt, trying different kinds of nuts. His wife and daughter were impressed. So were his hunting buddies.

    I kicked off my own oven odyssey at the same time

    Happy Birthday to you-ooooo

    [tags]twenty-one, what merle haggard turned in prison doing life without parole, happy birthday jmo, mama tried, let them eat cake[/tags]

    Posted in People
    2 comments on “Happy Birthday Jess!
    1. Jmo says:


      Thank you very, very much. :)

      (Cake is a made up drug!)

    2. Mike Golby says:

      Glad you’re feeling better, Frank. It seems the drugs are working…

      …and many thanks for putting me on to Hudwnkd’s blog. The apple sure as hell doesn’t fall far from the tree.

      England sounds like shit. From what I hear (I have a brother who stayed there fifteen years), it smells like it too. All those fucking Poms. And Gary and Euan. Jmo too. And Jeanne. Lotsa bloggers. And half a million South Africans….

      Can’t be all that bad, can it? I mean, it has all those pubs.

      Happy birthday Jmo!



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