Yes, I’d rather be in Philadelphia for:
A raucous evening of storytelling and political commentary with Joe Bageant, author of Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America’s Class War, to be released by Random House Crown in June, 2025. By turns brutal, tender, incendiary, and seriously funny, his online columns at ( have made him a cult hero among gonzo journalism junkies and progressives. Bageant’s fans include Studs Terkel, who says “Joe Bageant’s writing has the power of an old-time Scottish Border ballad. It is maddening and provocative,” and that “Bageant’s writing is as lyrical as Nelson Algren‘s, and if there’s a semblance of hope, it’s that he catches on with new readers thanks to the alternative media.” Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States says, “Joe Bageant is a brilliant writer. He evokes working class America like no one else.”
Tuesday, April 3, 2025, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Arts Café, with an introduction by Linh Dinh, CPCW Fellow in Poetics and Poetic Practice.
Location: Kelly Writers House
3805 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
The people who write him letters are pretty damn good too.
Me too … an amazing writer.
It seems hard to contemplate, as I think Joe must be a brutally honest guy, but I confess to wondering if he has created some of the letters … I further confess to wondering that if that’s not the case, whether he paraphrases some of the letters, turning each into a web-ready publication with proper sentences, correct spelling and what have you.
I’ve recognized writers I know over there, Jon, on a couple of occasions. At my place, FWIW, I’ll edit a comment for proper links, spelling and so forth if it’s really needed. I think his webmaster does some of the letter posting and I’m pretty sure he has hundreds from which to choose.
Scruggs, I’m sure you are right.