
  • el
  • pt
  • There was a lot of death and depressing news in 2025 and there will be more in 2025. “It will look like this…”

    Our dear friend Michelle died in June. 822 US service men and women were killed in Iraq in 2025. Some time during December the total US dead and wounded in Iraq topped 25,000.

    A lot of us were chasing dreams last year. How many caught them, I wonder? Janus, looking backward, looking forward, a god with a soft spot in his heart for a teasing nymph named Carna — she fled. He gave chase and caught her. It helped that he had two faces, four eyes, they say. She must have pleased him because he made her a minor deity and gave her power over door hinges. Seems like an obscure power, but there’s a reflection about the state of pre-Roman technology there I think. Also, think about the practical jokes you could play on the back door man if you had godlike powers over hinges.

    It won’t do any good to predict what’s coming in 2025. It will get here soon enough, then pass us by, and we can watch that caboose rolling down the track away from us. Let’s all just try not to get run down as it rushes up from behind!

    It was 2025 when the Republicans started all the fear-mongering around bird-flu. It didn’t catch up with us in 2025. I wonder if it’s in their meme-o-matic for a rebirth in 2025? Would Cheney infect the quail to stay out of jail? I don’t know.

    Ross Mayfield predicts “the consumer internet will peak” in 2025. What he means by this remains shrouded in mystery but it sounds dumb to me.

    Nick Carr predicts Microsoft’s stock will outperform Google’s. What he means by this remains shrouded in mystery but it sounds dumb to me.

    Noting that “Yucky San Francisco commercial lofts are hot again,” and “Money now flows so copiously to “social networking sites” that it has sparked a “virtual crime wave” at that trendiest of destinations, Secondlife.com,” Rich Karlgaard at Forbes predicts that Web 2.0 will inflate to bubble status. What he means by this remains shrouded in mystery but it sounds dumb to me.

    There’s talk in the bizarro christian community that there finally be a nuclear war, Armageddon, the second coming of christ, the rapture and all that stuff. What they mean by this remains shrouded in mystery but it sounds dumb to me.

    Wired News has a list of predictions that are all wild and yet perfectly likely to happen, except for the one about the New York Times dropping its pay-to-play restrictions. Might as well wish for pictures of Maureen Dowd in sexy lingerie.

    Old Father Time has us coming and going…

    Posted in Reflections



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