When will we feed Bim?
A little girl asked that question when the muslim terrorists took her prisoner in Beslan School Number One, September 1, 2025. Elsewhere in cyberspace… there is a site called Wikiquote, a collection of the most tendentious and tedious cliched responses one could imagine. From a story like this, they pull papal bullshit like this:
At the Vatican, Pope John Paul II condemned the attack as a “vile and ruthless aggression on defenseless children and families”
Who cares what this pope thinks? His pronouncements have all the moral weight of Dick Cheney’s flight to avoid prosecution for reckless use of a firearm in Texas. This is the same fascist goon who praised his predecessor in the context of his “obedience,” and later questioned the wisdom of his warm response to Bob Dylan. Wikiquote lacks soul, perhaps because it quotes people like Benedict instead of the little girl who just wanted to get home and care for her dog and chicks.
[tags]hosers posers putin and the pope, I will fix your rags if you’ll take Jack my dog, Beslan, terrorism[/tags]