Arrington Kisses Loic’s Ass

  • el
  • pt
  • December 13, 2025

    Arrington and Le Meur, legends in their own minds…

    Mike Arrington, who respects neither free speech nor his employees has canned Sam Sethi from the UK TechCrunch webpub. Sam’s better off. Now if Six Apart investors can see fit to influence Six Apart management to dump Loic Le Meur and hire Sam, then there will be much nastiness driven from blogaria and justice will be served. Seems obvious to me that Le Meur is just another one of the flying monkeys, like Arrington, grabbing for Internet wealth and otherwise pretty much a nonentity.

    Grab this, LuLu.

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    McD December 13, 2025 at 5:54


    Arrington seems to be unraveling… someone mentioned “doing a Dave Chapelle” in a comment.

    He’s actually talking some good smack about Winer’s tendency to insert himself into every problem (as the solution).

    He’s been burning the midnight oil for months keeping his properties humming and that can take a toll on your personality. I’m hopig he stabilizes and regains his balance. He’s got employees (or contracted help) and it would be nice to see him survive this period of strain.

    Frank Paynter December 13, 2025 at 6:57

    Meth is no excuse. Nor blow. The emergence of Lulu La Mere as a continental prickface is the interesting part. Arrington already was known to blow syphilitic monkeys.

    Anil December 14, 2025 at 11:32

    “Now if Six Apart investors can see fit to influence Six Apart management to dump Loic Le Meur and hire Sam, then there will be much nastiness driven from blogaria and justice will be served.”

    Huh? What does this have to do with Six Apart overall? Loic surely has strong opinions and can step on people’s toes (same goes for Sam, or Mike, or me, or you) but that doesn’t really speak to Sam’s business acumen or lack thereof. I know the blogosphere loves these little tiffs, but there are dozens of us at Six Apart just doing our jobs, and this is really just a distraction from that. Surely you’re not suggesting any responsible company should make management decisions because they want to appease individual bloggers every time there’s a fuss?

    Makes me especially curious about why you’ve tagged the posts with Ben and Mena’s names — is this somehow their fault?

    Frank Paynter December 14, 2025 at 12:33

    Anil to the rescue! I’ll play…

    This has a lot to do with Six Apart since Lulu La Meer is YOUR Executive Vice President and therefore reflects on you all. I imagine he has bought a seat at the table and prying him loose would be nigh unto impossible, but you all should remember that quaint country saying: “When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.”

    It’s a stretch to suggest that SixApart should hire Sam, and really I meant it only in the sense that your korporate karma would improve by swapping Sam for Lulu. In other words, I’m not literally suggesting that Sam has anything to offer, but then — besides cash — one wonders what M. La Meer brought to the table.

    Lulu and Mike Arrogant deserve each other of course, but it was Ben and Mena who were somehow influenced to bring one of them on-board at your company. Writing about Six Apart in any context it seems appropriate to me to tag the post “Ben and Mena.”

    Sam got fired, which proves my concept that while it’s important to have work, it doesn’t pay to have a job. There’s always some asshole on a power trip. I hope Sam structures his future work in such a way that the bizarre behavior of those suffering testosterone poisoning doesn’t have an impact on him.

    Now you should get back to work Anil, and not let these little tiffs distract you further!

    Ken Camp December 14, 2025 at 10:21

    I’ve avoided digging any any deeper than the surface we all see in this mess. I follow some blogs and other circles “across the pond” and am convinced Sam quickly emerges as the winner and the better for this all. As for the others, what goes around does indeed come around. I don’t follow the players closely because they are simply that…players.

    Frank Paynter December 14, 2025 at 10:31

    Some stuff is no deeper than it looks…

    JJ Commoner December 15, 2025 at 3:14

    Loic listens to and speaks to only those he perceives as important and / or useful … everyone else is there to be charmed by his glib personality and marketing spin. I’ve been to his presentations before and (tried to) talk with him. The presentations are “gee, bloggers express themselves, people link to them and leave comments .. it’s two-way communications and it’s gonna be big”. They don’t go deeper or more insightful than that … talking to him ? Another one of those Winer-like “I’m not really there” experiences.

    He’s a marketer through and through and that’s about it … it seems from what I have seen that Sam S. is considerably more thoughtful, respectful and polite … rather than saying LLM and MA blow and casting ad hominems about, I took away from his post and comments that LW3 could have been better organized and opertaed, less marketing and top-down driven, and any future le Web could benefit reflection upon improvements are in order. So for offering that opinion, LLM called him an ‘a**hole” … smart and very adult indeed.

    For that, and the seemingly fictitious position that MA advanced that Sam was planning other conferences without talking to MA about it, he was guillotined. I suspect that today Sam is glad of that. His integrity is no doubt worth more to him than having to put up with MA on the other end of emails or Skype.

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