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  • by Frank Paynter on November 15, 2025

    my youthful errors: fixed
    notions of top and bottom,
    the illusion of three-dimensional space,
    wisteria separate
    from the bridge it covers.
    What can I say to convince you
    the Houses of Parliament dissolve
    night after night to become
    the fluid dream of the Thames?
    I will not return to a universe
    of objects that don’t know each other
    – from “Monet refuses the Operation” by Lisel Mueller

    Reading William Rivers Pitt at Truthout on the Carlyle Group’s ownership of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue this morning I realized I’ve grown tired. Pitt breathlessly re-reveals Gates’ association with the Iran/Contra felons, broad-brushes Baker’s re-emergence as some kind of return of the Illuminati, and I wonder how it is useful to go over and over the same ground.

    There is nothing wrong with preaching to the choir. They come to church each Sunday faithfully asking for it. But, Sweet Jesus, the rest of us would rather sleep in or listen to a variety of voices, or just scoff when the message is too simplistic for us.

    Now, building on a foundation of assumptions about Republican wrong-doings the investigations will begin, and those of Pitt’s ilk will criticize, saying they don’t go far enough, and the Republicans will criticize saying they give aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war, and the Democrats will preen and posture oozing moral rectitude, and the Republicans will cry “taxes” and “it’s Bill Clinton’s fault” and the beat will go on. The “withdrawal from Iraq” will begin, but not before the needs of fortress America are addressed in the establishment of permanent bases guarding refineries and pipelines. And the “progressives” will say we’re moving too slowly, and the Republicans will remind of us of the “aid and comfort” line, and ninety percent of Americans will tune out and apply for a consumer loan to acquire that new Skidoo.

    Meanwhile, the oligarchs will add a few more coils of razor wire to the walls around the estates, hire a few more guards, eat beef, drink gin and talk real loud. But we won’t hear them, we’ll scarcely know they are there, because our ear trumpets are pointed at ABC-Disney, and the Vlogger Channel and our talk will center on which hybrid internal combustion engine converts the world’s hydrocarbons to poisonous gas more slowly.

    Can you see why I’m getting tired?

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    11.22.06 at 10:01

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