Circumstantial evidence

  • el
  • pt
  • …that Betsy is somewhere in Europe mit dem seehonden or something.

    Posted in Nature, People
    3 comments on “Circumstantial evidence
    1. Betsy Devine says:

      Dear Frank, how sweet of you to notice. I have now zeen zome Zeehonden (doing penance here for forgetting the Z in my earlier description) but alas not your fellow International-Babe-Magnet Niek.

      Hey, and speaking of sea dogs, go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie…

    2. Niek Hockx says:

      Zheck your factz, before you pozt, Frank! 😉 Betzy and I didn’t meet thiz time around in Holland. Zure, we tried, but it didn’t work out. And that portrait of Frank I pozted… it waz really becauze he waz Quote of the Day that day. But the image waz zhot lazt year… 😉

    3. I zaid zee evidence vaz zircumstantial, Niek! Great shot of Frank W., by the way. It’s the best photo of the phamous physicist that I have seen.



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