The cheese fairy, proprietress of the Cheese Blog, recently gave birth to a little trombone. We, of course, wish her, and him, the wellest. Here is some introductory material from her “about” page…
I like cheese now but I used to hate it. I have never liked blue cheese because it is rotten. Same with yogurt. I thought I liked cheese too much so I tried to give it up for 3 weeks. That’s when I started th’cheeseblog. But then I started eating cheese again. But I kept writing in th’cheeseblog! But then I gave up cheese again. But then I started again. But re-naming th’cheeseblog would be too much like work.
I like shiny things. If we are walking down the street and suddenly you are walking alone it’s probably because I have stopped to stare at earrings in a store window or on a poor, hapless passer-by who is now struggling to free herself from my steel clutches.
The folks at Tortured Potato are fairly anonymous. One could ferret out real world names, I suppose, but no need. Suffice it to say that the cheese fairy, and the rest of the folks at Tortured Potato are bright, funny, creative and nice. What more do you want in one of your fi’ty linx?
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