Twisting slowly, slowly…

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  • by Frank Paynter on May 15, 2025

    This is as dangerous as it gets, Sports Racers. The megalomaniacs-in-charge are faced with criminal indictments this week, as well as a deepening discussion of Lord Cheney’s evil doings. In the run up to a raft of bad publicity, the perch fisherman himself has ordered troops to the border to protect all America from the brown menace to the south.

    If, like me, you had an octogenarian father on the email lists of the right wing disinformation artists, you saw this coming. Dad was pumping through lots of jokes about Mexicans plus lots of chain letters that close with the formal request that “God bless America.”

    I love my dad, but his inability to use the delete key embarasses the heck out of me. I’ve tried to explain that the racist nonsense he receives from the Friends of Karl is no more than disinformation aimed at distracting us from bad news about the administration. I’ve tried to engage him in conversation regarding my view that the pious platitudes he sends my way are an attempt to organize the credulous among the nominally Christian right in opposition to those of us who would like to pause a moment before unleashing the cancer storm of radioactive poisoning that Bush seems to intend for the world.

    This week, look out. If Karl is really being indicted and if Cheney’s complicity in the illegal build-up of false information that led to the war is going to be revealed, well… Bush’s mobilization of the National Guard on the Southern border is going to look a lot like preparation for an Anschluss to our neighbors and the world.

    I’m wondering what parts of Chihuahua, Sonora, Coahuila, Tamaulipas will be our Sudetenland. How much of Mexico will Bush need to carve off to establish a zone of control and build the camps necessary for containment of the 12 million “illegals” he is sworn to persecute?

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    J. Alva Scruggs 05.15.06 at 9:16

    The brain trust has a perception management opportunity. They need the wingnut, xenophobic Leviticans, but they also need cheap, scared labor. Sending a few dozen or hundreds of Guardsmen gives them military theatre for the frightened wingnuts, without doing much of anything to stem the flow of cheap labor. There’ll be a lot of noise, and a few high profile deportations and some round ups for the Foxnews sensibility. Once the television cycle has run its course, things will get back to evil as usual.

    Joe Biden will dither solemnly, about his feelings, his views and his hair. Wingnut radio will ask why he hates the rule of law and the DLC will pompously allow as how they could do a better job of keeping labor cheap and scared, with sensible concessions to family values. The Minutemen will suffer a few more severe brain traumas as their heads slam onto their SUV dashboards and the church signs will still say, “Bienvenidos Amigos”.

    alan herrell - the head lemur 05.15.06 at 5:36

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