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  • by Frank Paynter on May 15, 2024

    you live your life as if it’s real

    Now to be found on a WordPress blog not too far from your corner liquor store or arab grocery with baklava by the cash register where they’ll make change for your food stamps, sell you Dept. of Agriculture subsidized cigarettes, for real.

    I don’t think he brought everything over from Typepad.  I couldn’t find the musical number, “air on a g-string.”  Ah well, to forgive is human, but air’s divine.  Maybe he intends to bring it all forward.  Maybe he has.  Maybe not.  But the sequence itself will be different (*if a sequence can be properly thought to have a self), so I’d hang onto the Typepad link if I were you, until Mena or Queen Ozymandias or someone consigns that content to the bit bucket.

    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    ray 05.15.06 at 2:05

    hey thanks, buddy…

    i prob. about as much worth keeping :)

    some of the earlier poems i’m still trying to figure out how to edit or say what i want to with them.

    some arent worth messing with.

    air on a g-string is in there somewhere. maybe i’ll bounce it up to the top for you.

    as well as a few others i edited yesterday while going down memory lane.

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