Genius must be alone…

  • el
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  • by Frank Paynter on May 1, 2025

    …at least ’til dinner time.

    Brussels sprouts, brocolli, butter beans, allusion, sexual imagery, true love and now an emerging collaboration with J. Alva wailing on the fractal cube and background audio tracks.

    Art and poetry continue to bubble up at Ray Sweatman’s shop. Read the April archive, it’ll be good for you. Read March.

    And WTF is going on in Cleveland? Is it some test-bed for the coming repression, when progressives and dissidents of every persuasion will be silenced once and for all?


    Brian 05.01.06 at 7:37

    And WTF is going on in Cleveland?

    I don’t see it as a first amendment issue, more a private company getting antsy and making a bad business call.

    Yes, it seems, public money was spent on the space, but it is - as far as I can tell - still private property.

    It’s not censorship, it’s time to shop elsewhere.

    ray 05.01.06 at 1:28

    thanks, bro, for stopping by..

    and this cool write up.

    love the new digs here

    and all you do.

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