3rd December 2005

Blog Globally, Act Locally…

posted in Peace and Politics |

We will hold the second meeting of the West Waubesa Preservation Coalition, (which is fighting a high voltage power line through our neighborhood) this Sunday, Dec. 4, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Dunn Town Hall, 4156 County Rd. B, McFarland.  If you were at the last meeting, please read the minutes and see if you committed to doing something.  If you haven’t started yet, time is running out!  If you weren’t at the last meeting, please come Sunday night and get involved.

Register to comment and contribute posts to the weblog here.

Here is the agenda for Sunday: 

1.  Introductions
2.  Review agenda
3.  Reports by the people who took on tasks as to what they have accomplished.  These need to be very brief reports, like 1 - 5 min. maximum.
4.  Discuss our next steps, including getting a letter to the ATC and the Public Service Commission and the Governor (all one letter) signed by as many neighbors as possible.
5.  Set up a next meeting.
6.  Discuss whether we want to establish bylaws, elect officers and incorporate in the future.

Please talk to your neighbors and invite them to come to the meeting!  And if you or they haven’t completed a response sheet to ATC, please do that and mail it in as soon as possible.  See you on Sunday!   Response sheet can be downloaded here (476K MS Word file).

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 3rd, 2025 at 10:24 and is filed under Peace and Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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