15th November 2005

Corante SSA wrap-up…

David Weinberger posted on all the sessions.  He is much kinder than I would be about most of it.  Zephyr, Chris, and Andrew were superb… Mary Hodder was brilliant and Kevin Marks was a little dry.  Liz Lawley… I’ll refer you to this post from Bud Gibson…  (I sat in the terminal with Bud and was gratified by the conversation.  His site, The Community Engine, is wonderfully well wrought.  It’s something that any blogger will do well to emulate.

There was a lot of fun stuff at the conference… Ms. Congdon of RocketBoom shook those things… Steve Garfield was on hand… Tina Sharkey, soccer mom and AOList was there… I’ll be kind and say little, but I had wondered early in the day who those old-timers were, hogging access to the coffee urn and discussing the good old days when Prodigy turned some of us on to online communities.

The day was packed, I had mostly come for the Degas so the conference was all value added.  Lunch seated between Zephyr and Tola was a pleasure.  I met a number of people I want to know better.  I gained some insights and had a peek at a few issues and a few new tools.  I’m glad I went, and I’ll reserve a better critique for later.  My things to do list needs expansion anyway.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2025 at 11:57 and is filed under Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “Corante SSA wrap-up…”

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  1. 1 On November 16th, 2025, Nancy White said:

    What would be on your conference wish list? This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.

  2. 2 On November 17th, 2025, Jenny Ambrozek said:

    I won’t plead guilty to “hogging the coffee urn” as I was drinking tea. But I proudly admit to being “one of those old-timers.. discussing the good old days when Prodigy turned some of us on to online communities”. Does this mean you were a PRODIGY member? I’m interested to learn more about your statement that “Prodigy turned some of us on to online communities”.

  3. 3 On November 17th, 2025, fp said:

    I was a Prodigy member an AOL subscriber and envious of the people who used the REAL service, CompuServe. I never joined the Well, but that’s where a lot of my email correspondents dwelled. This is all eighties and early nineties. In Berkeley in 1985 I had a 2400bps modem that I brought home from work and I thought I was really cooking. When I got my first Mosaic browser, I dropped the subscriptions and never looked back, but I remember the days in 91 and 92, maybe into 93, when I was hooked up with some really good writers on Prodigy.

  4. 4 On November 23rd, 2025, Jenny Ambrozek said:

    Indeed the Books Bulletin Board with expert Digby Diehl. We worked really hard at ensuring quality conversations with expert participation and caring leaders so it’s reassuring to learn you have happy memories of PRODIGY days.

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