11th November 2005

Belinda Young, PR

More seriously, because neither Brian nor Belinda actually know me and hence might take my charming and witty affectations in the prior post to be the sick demented ramblings that they actually are… well, here is a little equal time for Belinda (who, I still maintain, could benefit from writing in a blog, daily):

Belinda writes:

I very much appreciate the write up on "Who is Belinda Young, PR?"  As Brian may have mentioned, I am the Belinda Young behind LiftPort and MetaInfo, as well as a number of other technology and non-technology companies, including the Seattle Home Show, the nation’s oldest and largest consumer home products showcase.  I am not, however, Belinda Young the runner and winner in the Cornbread 5 K (although I do enjoy partaking of cornbread now and then).

Your thoughts on the impact of blogs are very well articulated, as indeed is your entire website/blog.  Technology is moving so fast and changing the way we communicate so quickly that marketing and PR folks really need to be open and able to adjust to those changes.  When I started my own PR practice 10 years ago (after serving as PR Manager at Aldus Corporation/Adobe Systems), the Internet was just becoming available to the public and consumers.  The availability the Internet and email have dramatically changed my business, and certainly have enabled me to more effectively conduct my business on behalf of my clients.   For example, PR people like myself are now able to
use online subscription services to maintain media lists, editorial calendars and such.  In the "old days," this information was available in print format only, requiring data entry, etc.  Plus, since the media contacts publications were typically published on an annual basis, data became out of date rather quickly.  The online subscription services keep the information much more current.

My question:  How do I - Frank the Blogger - get in that database so PR people will start buying me sandwiches, and sharing little thermoses of garbanzo beans and such?

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