11th November 2005

Google-it and Googlette

have one last kiss and then forget
the boulevard of jello.

Jello?  Sometimes I just lose track of where we’re at. 

Earlier this week I had an interesting exchange with Brian Dunbar (the IT systems guy at LiftPort) and Belinda Young, a public relations person from Seattle who cares for this Giant Sequoia…


I read a couple of releases from Belinda and thought, hmmm… Belinda, PR, female… let me see what kind of stalker-gen I can dig up.  Most of the men on the web have their noses wide open, even if they are too old and - like in my case - too committed to follow through.  So I Google Belinda and find a couple of people who are definitely not her, because if they were her she wouldn’t have time to do what she does, if you get my drift.  So, frustrated in my single search engine effort to dig up any pictures of the lady in her scanties, or something like that, I did what I know how to do and I crafted a little blog post.  (Follow the link here for a change why doncha).

Brian Dunbar stops by here from time to time because - I think - we are both nanotech geeks at heart and would like to see an elevator to the stars.

So Brian sent Belinda a link to my post, and Belinda replied with a rather "who the heck is he" kind of message, and I said, "Hey, I am a legend in my own mind, and a denizen of the long tail," and Belinda said, "Cool, here’s a picture of my tree," and I said, "What, no scanties?" and she said, "What kind of woman do you think I am?" and I said, "Well, that’s what we’re trying to determine isn’t it." And she said, "Look Mister… Let me just refer you to my work."  And I said, "Well that’s where this whole thing started, isn’t it?  You should get a blog." and she said, I have a giant sequoia, why would I need a blog?" and I have to admit she has a good point, so I think we’ll just let the whole thing go for now.

But B?  There are lots of PR people who find blogs useful for connecting and sharing and actually raising the visibility of people and products that they care about.

* * *

Bonus question:  Who originated the concept of something difficult being akin to "trying to nail raspberry jelly to the wall?"

This entry was posted on Friday, November 11th, 2025 at 10:18 and is filed under Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 2 responses to “Google-it and Googlette”

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  1. 1 On November 12th, 2025, Brian said:

    I didn’t know about the tree.

  2. 2 On November 12th, 2025, fp said:

    We don’t tell you everything.

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