20th October 2005


I don’t use an aggregator.  That’s a shameful confession, I know, and I should explain myself.  I’ve tried aggregators, both online and client side -  from BlogLines to SharpReader, from Google reader to Radio Userland - and I find them to be a pain in the backside.  Managing lists, maintaining subscriptions, that’s the easy part.  I’m an information junkie and I have invariably signed up for more than I can read.  My email inbox tells me something about that undisciplined habit, that lack of organization.

Today I finally had it revealed, or perhaps more slammed in my face than "revealed," anyway… when I went to check on Tom Matrullo to see if he had any Wilma rants brewing, I saw that he has been writing up a storm lately and I’ve been missing it.  The trick to using an aggregator perhaps, is not subscribing to more than I care to read.  If I subscribed to Tom’s Improprieties…  wait… I don’t think I’ll go there right now.

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 20th, 2025 at 9:50 and is filed under Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On October 20th, 2025, brian said:

    I’ve been using NetNewsWire for months now - works well. But then I’ve always got my laptop with me.

    I’ve got 143 feeds now - but a fair number of them are stuff I like to keep around but dump right away without more than a glance - Plogress, a horde of Mac specific “this is the nifty new shareware of the day’ sites and so on.

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