Alas, ’tis gone…

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 21, 2025

    GonegoateeReports of the disappearance of the Weinberger goatee have left many of us bereft.  Here, posing for a Finnish postage stamp, David models his gone goatee.

    I wonder what he’s thinking about while the artist is asking him to hold still… maybe a decision on Gaping Void business cards…  hmmm, this one, do you suppose, or perhaps that one?

    I know that several people have suggested that I get a few boxes of these…  meanies.

    I can tell you that I was just over at Joi Ito’s blog and I had met five out of six people on the faceroll, and the sixth was Hugh MacLeod.

    You suck up you move up, that’s my motto.  So, David, I did love the goatee but you also look very distinguished with all those pieces of tissue sticking to your face and blotting up blood.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Mike Golby 09.22.05 at 1:11

    Be careful what you wish for, Frank. I’ve never heard of this Stormhoek stuff. It’s probably a cheap plonk offloaded onto undiscerning, ill-educated palates.

    Now Tassenberg, a dry red tasting of vinegar, is the *only* South African wine. Beloved of connoisseurs and winos, it’s a wine for all seasons (although winos eventually get red teeth and the Tassies stains the cup-or glass, if you’re a yuppie).

    But this is all beside the point. Dr. Weimeraner’s goatee must be recultivated. It’s decidedly distinguished, giving him–as you so correctly note, the visage of a noble Scandinavian aesthete or scholar. Joho indeed…

    fp 09.22.05 at 2:45

    “Joho-ho and a bottle of Stormhoek,” I always. say… or if not always, at least during talk-like-a-pirate season.

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