ac2005 Wrap-up…

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 18, 2025

    Alex Lightman, Cecily Sommers, Steve Jurvetson, Joi Ito, Beth Noveck, George Gilder, Rudy RuckerJohn Smart moderating…  Joi points out that an international conference would have more than half the people NOT form the US…. Jurvetson looks like some kind of F. Scott Fitzgerald charcter… Lightman is a coherent forward looking businessman, Sommers broadens the context beyond technology, Noveck speaks to group issues - something very difficult for a USian lawyer - she speaks also for social justice… Gilder points out that all the exponential curves are learning curves, experience curves…  Rucker goes deep into Wolfram and all that math…  he uses my favorite phrase:  "Millenial fervor of the singulatarians."

    Good…. Gilder gets into it a little with Rucker… "computer scientists see the universe as a Turing machine.  My plumber sees the universe as a Kohler machine."  Rucker falls back on "Accelerando" and surfing words like "gnarly," and the turtles all the way down thing.  Glib, in other words.

    Gilder:  Moore’s law is a coarse instrument.  Life is in formation.  Order and complexity are not complements, rather polar opposites.  Low entropy carrier required to bear high entropy modulated information.

    Alex Lightman mixes metaphors.  He also complains about BRIC for stealing all our good stuff.  He’s an Intellectual Property proponent.

    Cecily Sommers points out the duality problem… we either think it’s all going south or it’s headed for Utopia.  The important question is, she says, "What must YOU do?"

    Joi disagrees with Alex about intellectual property… patent portfolios are beyond the range of start-ups… Ronald Coase… Benkler’s "Coase’s Penguin"… building new assets in the commons…

    Gilder:  the patent systme has broken down…. Beth Noveck has an idea for reforming it…

    Jurvetson:  club of rome projection that 8 billion people will reduce to 1 billion is drastically understated if we don’t get a handle on genetically modified pathogens...  hmmm, kinda dark…


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