Slivers in your butt…

  • el
  • pt
  • by Frank Paynter on September 17, 2025

    Moira Gunn is interviewing Ray Kurzweil here at ac2005.   She starts with a hard one… will artificial intelligence improve our sex lives?  Ray goes on at embarrassing length, telling me more than I really wanted to know about his views regarding phone sex, Virtual Reality, something I’d call the Tiresias factor… god knows what Ray would call it…. he was breathing heavy by this time and he was speaking in shorter sentences using smaller words.

    I called RB last night to gloat over my signed copy of the new Kurzweil fantasy, "The Singularity is Near."  I knew RB had a few things to say regarding the numinous lunacy of such a declaration.  During our conversation I somehow slipped into aggrieved iPod user mode.  Chris suggested that I fix my scratched plexiglass case by doing an orange crate mod… replace the sleek Apple plexi design with something more organic, something that will put slivers in your butt if you sit on it.

    Then, as if he’d been wired into the conversation, Norm offered this today.  What I like about the wooden case (besides the butt sliver factor) is the fact that if you’re ver called upon to hurl yourself on a funeral pyre, you’re actually providing some of the fuel.

    Kurzweil has moved onto the topic of GMO, golden rice, preventing blindness, cell transdifferentiation, and stuff like that.  This is all part of a pretty coherent rap oposing fundametalisms including humanist fundies (like me) who put roadblocks up in the GMO area.  Reflexive antitechnologists is how he labels us.  Not sure that’s a fair statement.

    Ray’s concerned about global warming but figures there will be nanotech available to clean up our messes in the 2025’s.

    It’s like RageBoy said:

    destiny. Brands. The Second Great Awakening. The beautiful women would
    have to wait. I was onto something. Big wheel keep on turnin. My room
    35 floors high, boats on the river, bridges collapsing in perspective
    to the horizon, neon twinkling in the water. Beautiful. And I’m landing
    the gig with Highbeam.
    All you killers / turn your lights on / ’cause there’s a monster /
    under my bed… Ah, you must have been sleeping with Daniel Boorstin,
    then. Trotskyites in the Dewey Decimal System. Dit-dit-dit-dot-dit-dit.
    Yet another Enigma. Alan bites into the cyanide-laced apple. Fails the
    ultimate Turing test. Queer Studies not having yet been instituted at
    Oxford and Cambridge. Why were you so over-invested? Finite automata. A
    workaround for the Gödel bug. Singularity as manifest destiny. Also
    sprach Ray Kurzweil. Diodes, capacitors, printed circuits. Darwin’s
    Dangerous Idea. Also sprach D. Dennett. Pandemonium, connection
    machines, societies of mind. Also sprach Warren McCulloch, Danny
    Hillis, Marvin Minksy. Winken, Blinken and Nod. If they wink and blink
    at you, it’s hasta la vista, baby.

    Old slave field holler I used to sing:

    go down Hannah don’t you rise no more
    hey, hey, hey…
    if you rise up in the mornin bring the judgment day
    hey, hey, hey…

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