Bruno Haid

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 17, 2025

    Here at Accelerating Change 2025…  Bruno Haid from systemone is using Joi Ito’s blog to illustrate tags and social software integration.  Joi is speaking tonight around about Quaker midnight.  (I’m sure I can stay awake until then…)

    To use social software a predisposition is needed, and an acceptance of lo-tech and the boundaries of social cognition.  Bruno is demonstrating semantic web machine readable integration of a blog entry, rss and rdf that overcome the lo-tech social cognition boundaries of social software.  He suggests that semantic web is hampered by usability issues. 

    Algorithms… fuzzy retrieval…  Amazon content and usage metadata… algorithms for authors… 

    Semantic calculation and transport…. blog posts, tags, machine concept extraction, usage data…  concepts flying fast and Bruno’s from Austria and I’m not sure I can get everything he has to say, but I suspect that a visit the systemone sites will help.

    Bill Joy is right, "the network is the computer.  Bruno refers us to something Jason Kottke wrote… but I can’t spot it offhand.

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