Such a Deal!

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 14, 2025

    BlogOn 2025, "The Social Media Summit," takes place in New York (at the Copacabana of all places) on October 17 and 18.  You can register at the early bird rate of $1095 until tomorrow, or pay $1495 if you register after that.


    You can contact me no later than September 28th and I’ll get you a rate of $550 for both days.

    I feel like a shill, but I’m okay with that.  Still (rhymes with shill), in order to feel less shill-like in my shillitude, I probably ought to allow as how I’ve accepted a free pass and the promoters have offered me this deal to share with friends, associates, and basically anyone off the street with $550.

    Check out the speakers list and see if the event speaks to your needs.  If so, why not connect with me and get a deal?  (There’s nothing in it for me except the knowledge that I’ve extended a courtesy to the promoters who were kind enough to give me a good deal too).

    I still feel like a shill, but I’m looking forward to reconnecting with people I seldom see but feel close to - like Susan Mernit and Judith Meskill.  Looking forward also to meeting Suw and Michael (among others) in person.  Also, I want to add more Mary Hodder snapshots to my collection!   

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    susan mernit 09.15.05 at 12:06

    Frank, I hope we can hang out–let me know when you are getting into town.–Susan

    Suw 09.15.05 at 6:50

    Aw, don’t feel like a shill. Think of it more as spreading the lurve around about a bit.

    And I’m very much looking forward to meeting you, and Michael, and Cameron, and a whole bunch of other really cool people who’re gonna be there. Can’t think of a better bunch of people to lock myself in a reasonably-sized nightclub with.

    In two minds about whether to wear the pineapple, though.

    fp 09.15.05 at 8:40

    Suw, wear the pineapple! Susan, me too… I hope we can hang out.

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