Blog Search

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 14, 2025

    I’m missing something here.  What’s a blog?  Why would I search it?  Well, whatever… here’s a test: 

    Search string on blog search:   "pudding thighs"

    Result:  The Letter B.

    Search string on normal search:  "pudding thighs"

    Result:  Thirty-three hits, including The Letter B (a blog name inspired by the Sesame Street tune "Letter be," which in turn of course derived from the Beatles tune "Let It Be," but you knew that).

    Most recent hit in this blogger’s surfage:  Mark Morford.  This hit was missing from both the blog search and the normal search above.  Here it is in context…

    Just listen. Isn’t that Dick Cheney, lying awake at night as the leeches
    drain his soul, muttering his woes to a well-narcotized Lynne? "Dammit, Lynney,
    what went wrong? We’ve got the House locked up and the Senate locked up and we
    can cram through any law or any referendum or toxic Patriot Act we like with
    next-to-zero outcry and no discussion on the floor …"

    We’re successfully stuffing the lower courts with hundreds of homophobic
    neoconservative misogynist appointees and now we even own the Supreme Court –
    Supreme Court, pudding-thighs! — and even the increasingly impotent
    California governor is more in our back pocket than we imagined. We’ve had the
    whole goddamn country under our thumb for five years, squirming like a stuck rat
    as we make out like robber barons.

    What a run we’ve had! We’ve threatened major media into numb compliance and
    we run the FCC the way a pimp runs a cheap hooker and we’ve got a loudmouth
    right-wing pundit manning nearly every ideological outpost in every corner of
    the media globe while millions of stupefied ‘Murkins still believe Fox News is a
    genuine source of integrity and honesty. Look at us go!

    Okay.  Your going to tell me that the Morford usage is a hyphenate, and of course you are correct.  But Google ignores hyphens in literal search strings, doesn’t it?  Let’s run the test again:

    Search string on normal search:  "pudding-thighs"

    Result:  Thirty-three hits including The Letter B, but nut not including Morford.

    uh-oh… surprise lurking around the next bend as our fearless search scientist prepares to unveil the results of the blog search for the literal string including the hyphen:

    Search string on blog search:   "pudding-thighs"

    Results:  The Letter B AND Philadelphia Freedom Watch.

    But this is a timing thing.  Blog search indexed the second blog while we were posting.  But Google has yet to index Morford in the original.  Yet, Google could have indexed Morford’s column while we were running our ill-bred experiment.   Let’s try one more time.  No, the results jump around a little, everything from 31 to 44 hits depending on our choice to include similar results, but no Morford column.  Just to be sure, our labs ran a final test.  The search was for "pudding-thighs" (the literal string occuring in Morford’s column, Dick Cheney’s endearment to his main snore), combined with Morford.  This yielded a null result, and so our experimental results are confirmed.  To wit, one can find "pudding-thighs" in equal measure to "pudding thighs" in a normal Google search, but "pudding thighs" seemed distinct from "pudding-thighs" when using the new Google blog search at first, because the experimenter fell thorugh his ass in noticing the distinction in the first place.  Later he tried to cover it up, but our quality assurance group caught on to his intentional misrepresentation of the data and we have since fired his ass… yes, the same one he fell through. 

    (UPDATE:  Since the original Morford usage appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on-line edition, SFGate, this morning I thought to check a Google News search, but no luck.  The indexing o fteh primary material seems to be following ever so slowly behind the blog indexing.  Readers are advised to check back through-out the day for updates on just when the original column will be accessible through the "pudding-thighs" search term on a normal Google search).

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