Triumph of Evil

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 13, 2025

    Man is the dishonest monkey, the ironist ape.  It’s little wonder that irony, the use of  words to create a contrast between literal and intended meaning, has driven so many otherwise earnest folks around the bend and into the maze of postmodern bullshit.  And, while the simple and the religious wallow in philosophy contrived out of late twen-cen grantsmanship and verbal posturing, the perverse liars, the evil doers if you will, have found their way out of the morass of Nietzschean rationalization straight to the ironic truth, which is that lies and liars dominate.  Moral structures and ethical codes are demolished before the simple conceit of deliberate and unabashed falsehood.

    Was it any surprise that the dark prince of deceit, George W. Bush, played the trump "bucks stop here" card today? I don’t think so.  He’s a liar.  He’s so banal, that the only interpretation we can put on this is that his handlers have suggested he take the reins in order to keep control over the outlay of billions of US dollars for rebuilding New Orleans.

    He’s willing to say he broke it as long as we let him profit from fixing it.

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