Red State/Blue State

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 11, 2025

    This is so obvious, but since the mercenaries arrived in New Orleans in force, it probably makes sense to register a little dissent.

    First, let’s look at FEMA in Florida and the overpayments they made to shore up an electoral victory for the Bird Flipper.   Now consider Louisiana, a Democratic state…  The FEMA SNAFU is typical of this administration and reflects simple incompetence.  However, the landing of mercenaries on American soil to usurp the local authorities is cause for concern.  More than the aggressive incompetence typical of GW ("Bird Flipper") Bush, this action has the sinister weight typical of Cheney and the corporate oligarchs that actually run the show.  If I were a member of a public interest law firm in New Orleans, a firm challenging corporate interests, I would expect now that my premises will be invaded and my papers lootedThere appears to be no good reason for the Red State mercenaries to have landed on Blue State soil other than intelligence operations and selective looting.  This is obviously an unsubstantiated opinion.  We’ll have to see what happens when people are allowed back into the city. 

    Thanks to Tom and Mike for their earlier reflections.

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    Bruce 09.12.05 at 8:00

    I dunno, Frank, I feel like calling their hurricane response “incompetent” is being too kind. If my job is to cook dinner and instead I bake a cake, my family can either conclude I’m incompetent or they can conclude I never intended to cook dinner and that I had a different agenda.

    Louisiana Conservative 09.16.05 at 12:09

    Before you blame Bush I suggest that you actually listen to the victims of Katrina. Besides, what has ANY elected Democrat official done to actually help people? No, all the Democrats could do is whine and complain but did absolutely nothing to help.

    That’s what you call compassion? Really, you democrats really ought to shut up before you embarrass yourself any further.

    Frank Paynter 09.16.05 at 6:24

    regarding party affiliation… naturally I often vote Democrat lacking any viable Socialist and/or environmentalist alternatives. But don’t be calling me a Democrat until the Democrats are ready to adopt seriously progressive taxes, nationalize the energy industry and socialize health care. When the Democrats are ready to extinguish papa Bush’s (or maybe senex Ronnie’s - one looks a lot like another) absurd 1000 points of light, when the Democrats are ready to bring the whole rotten administration up on felony charges and keep them in jail this time… then I suppose I’ll consider joining the party.

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