Ten Helping Paths…

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 11, 2025

    From Alternet

    "What follows is one list of 10 great things happening in response to
    Hurricane Katrina. These are deserving places for your support, whether
    it is to give housing, use your tech skills, volunteer or give hard

    1. American Friends Service Committee (via veteran reporter Doug Ireland):
      "If you’d like to make a donation that will actually help the poorest
      citizens of New Orleans, Biloxi, and the many small Southern towns
      devastated by Katrina, you should do so through the American Friends Service Committee. They’ve established a special Hurricane Relief fund.
      The AFSC was founded by Quakers in 1917 to provide conscientious
      objectors with an opportunity to aid civilian war victims. It’s still
      Quaker-run, and its sterling history of agitation and education for
      peace is matched by its long record, for nearly a century, of lean,
      effective, on-the-ground service to victims of war and famine. A gift
      to the AFSC won’t be wasted."
    2. NAACP disaster relief efforts.
      Juan Proano explains that the NAACP, America’s oldest civil rights
      organization, "is setting up command centers in Louisiana, Mississippi
      and Alabama as part of its disaster relief efforts. NAACP units across
      the nation have begun collecting resources that will be placed on
      trucks and sent directly into the disaster areas. Also, the NAACP has
      established a disaster relief fund to accept monetary donations to aid
      in the relief effort. The NAACP has chapters and members throughout the
      disaster area, and is intent on getting relief to those most in need at
      the grassroots level. "

      Send checks payable to:
      NAACP Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund
      4805 Mt. Hope Drive
      Baltimore, MD 21215
      Donations can also be made online at: https://www.naacp.org/disaster/contribute.html

    1. Cindy Sheehan and Veterans for Peace. From Michael Moore:
      "Join with me in bypassing the colossally inept and incompetent Bush
      administration and get help DIRECTLY to the people of the New Orleans
      area — right now. Many don’t know who to trust. I have a way, though,
      for each and every one of us to do something that can affect people’s
      lives TODAY. I’ve been working with a group that, I guarantee you, will
      get direct aid to the people who need it most. Cindy Sheehan, the brave
      woman who dared to challenge Mr. Bush at his summer home has joined The
      Veterans for Peace set up camp in Covington, Louisiana, on the shores
      of Lake Pontchartrain. They are accepting materials and personally
      distributing them to those in need and are going to be delivering
      much-needed supplies." Needed now: paper plates, paper towels, toilet
      paper, baby diapers, baby wipes, baby formula, Pedialyte, baby items in
      general, powder, lotion, handy wipes, sterile gloves, electrolytes,
      LARGE cans of veggies, school supplies, and anything else to lift
      people’s spirits. Visit VFPRoadTrips.org for instructions on shipping these things, or driving them there yourself.
    2. Help ACORN get on its feet again. ACORN,
      the most influential organization in the U.S. in fighting for
      low-income people is really hurting. From Allison Conyers: "Our
      headquarters in New Orleans has been destroyed. Now we are fighting to
      relocate and aid the more than 9,000 member families we have there. We
      have members in Houston who are taking in many families and are now
      organizing a van tour that will pick up goods from cities all over the
      country. We need support to open a temporary national headquarters in
      Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and, when possible, reopen our offices in New
      Orleans. As we get up and running, we will gather together our
      displaced community members and work to help secure the housing,
      community services, and other relief they need. All of this will be
      expensive, so please consider a contribution to the ACORN Hurricane Recovery and Rebuilding Fund."
    3. Help people reconnect. PeopleFinder
      is a volunteer-driven database project attempting to compile all of the
      information currently found online — from official Red Cross databases
      to Craigslist lost-and-found postings — into one central repository,
      and to republish that information in a way that will be easily
      searchable and amendable to existing databases. From Zack Rosen,
      founder of CivicSpace Labs: "I was stunned by the response they
      received when the project was launched on Friday. By Saturday, we had
      around 100 developers working on the various pieces; by this afternoon,
      volunteers have processed over 60,000 records of information. I haven’t
      ever seen anything like it." They’re expecting to have the search
      functions finished by the weekend, and will be working with the Red
      Cross and FEMA to finalize some of the implementation.

      A number of technicians at Community Wireless Rapid Response
      are putting together a low-powered FM radio network, and are in need of
      radio equipment donations. They need 10,000 radios and the batteries to
      run them ASAP. They’re also working on setting up WiFi and other
      wireless communications, and are based out of Houston. Equipment and
      techies in that area are needed.

      Air America Radio’s Public Voicemail,
      1-866-217-6255, is a way for disconnected people to communicate in the
      wake of Katrina. Here’s how it works: Call the toll-free number above,
      enter your everyday phone number, and then record a message. Other
      people who know your everyday phone number (even if it doesn’t work
      anymore) can call Emergency Voicemail, enter the phone number they
      associate with you, and hear your message. You can also search for
      messages left by people whose phone numbers you know. Air America Radio
      will leave Public Voicemail in service for as long as this crisis
      continues. You can call it whenever you are trying to locate someone,
      or if you are trying to be found. Air America Radio brings you
      Emergency VoiceMail in conjunction with VoodooVox.

    4. Supporting local foundations and organizations. From Sara Van Gelder, editor of Yes Magazine:
      "Here are some local groups who need donations to enable them to
      provide immediate disaster relief. These groups come well-recommended
      by trusted sources as organizations with a long-term commitment to
      stricken areas and a strong track record of making a difference."
      • The
        Enterprise Corporation of the Delta and the Hope Community Credit Union
        will use donated funds for immediate relief, and then help people
        rebuild their homes and businesses in the distressed communities in
        Louisiana and Mississippi where these not-for-profit organizations have
        been operating for a dozen years.

        Enterprise Corporation of the Delta
        222 North President Street/Suite 200
        Jackson, MS 39201
        Phone: 601-944-1100; Toll-free: 1-866-THE-DELTA (1-866-843-3358); FAX: 601-944-0808
        Email: info@ecd.org

      • The
        Baton Rouge Area Foundation is estimating that as many as half a
        million displaced people may be in Baton Rouge for up to six months.
        The foundation’s Hurricane Katrina Displaced Residents Fund is seeking
        funds to assist with housing, food and basic necessities for these
        hurricane refugees. A second fund, Hurricane Katrina New Orleans
        Recovery Fund, will help those who return to the Greater New Orleans
        area get back on their feet. The Baton Rouge Area Foundation is a
        non-profit community foundation comprised of over 300 charitable funds.

        Baton Rouge Area Foundation
        402 N. Fourth Street
        Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
        Phone (225) 387-6126
        Toll-free 1(877) 387-6126

    5. Housing offers. MoveOn has the largest housing network operation running so far, and the Louisiana state government has endorsed it on their site
      (note that all housing shelters listed for the state of Louisiana are
      listed as full). From Noah T. Winer: "In the face of the enormous
      tragedy unfolding in the Southeast, the response from MoveOn members
      and the general public to our volunteer housing efforts has been
      amazing and heartwarming. Since last Thursday, offers of over 150,000
      beds have been posted at hurricanehousing.org, with over 50,000 of those spots in the Southeast. …

      1,500 people have responded to the postings, seeking housing for 11,000
      hurricane victims — even as most relief organizations are still
      focused primarily on saving everyone they can from the most immediate
      dangers. With over a million people displaced, we expect that the
      housing offered so far will be snapped up."

    6. Preventing local non-profits from getting marginalized. From Drummond Pike at the Tides Foundation:
      "In the past, Tides has established Rapid Response Funds for
      emergencies (Hurricane Mitch, 9/11, and the recent tsunami). In each
      case, we have used the funds to fill in the gaps where progressive
      organizations, community groups or underserved populations are left
      marginalized by the larger relief programs. That is our intent here. We
      expect that the bulk of the funds will be used to support the recovery
      of nonprofits that have served the Gulf States for years. Once on their
      feet, these groups will be one of the best ways to aid displaced people
      in dire straights. Second, we will be looking for ways to help
      undocumented immigrants and others often left outside government and
      Red Cross sponsored programs.

      Tides Rapid Response Fund for Hurricane Katrina Relief and Rebuilding
      has been established for our friends to easily make contributions. You
      can make an instant online donation to the fund by clicking the
      DonateNow button at www.tidesfoundation.org/RR_0905.cfm "

    7. Supporting the AFL-CIO Union Community Fund’s special Hurricane Relief Fund. Donations will be targeted to meet the most critical needs among working families. From the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center:
      Those of us fortunate to be outside the hurricane’s path must help and
      we must help now. The AFL-CIO’s Union Community Fund has established a
      special Hurricane Relief Fund that will target help where it’s needed
      most by working families. We are working with the labor federations in
      affected states and with relief organizations to make sure your
      contributions help brother and sister union members whose lives have
      been turned upside down. Please click on the link below to make your
      tax-deductible contribution now:https://secure.ga3.org/08/UCF_Katrina_Relief

      Union Community Fund — "labor’s charity for working families and
      communities in distress" — is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity.
      Donations to the Union Community Fund are tax-deductible to the extent
      provided by law.

    8. Supporting the local progressive union community coaltion. From Van Jones, executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights:
      "Community Labor United (CLU), a coalition of the progressive
      organizations throughout New Orleans, has brought community members
      together for eight years to discuss socio-economic issues. We have set
      up a People’s Hurricane Fund that will be directed and administered by
      New Orleans’ evacuees. The Young People’s Project, a 501(c)3
      organization formed by graduates of the Algebra Project, has agreed to
      accept donations on behalf of this fund. Donations can be mailed to:

      The People’s Hurricane Fund c/o The Young People’s Project
      99 Bishop Allen Drive
      Cambridge, MA 02139

      If you have comments of how to proceed or need more information, please email Curtis Muhammad, muhammadcurtis@bellsouth.net

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