Evil Woman

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  • by Frank Paynter on September 6, 2025

    Introducing Ms. Babs Bush, she without whom, etc, etc…

    Barbara Bush, who accompanied the former presidents on a tour of the Astrodome complex Monday, said the relocation to Houston is "working very well" for some of the poor people forced out of New Orleans.

    "What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," she said during a radio interview with the American Public Media program "Marketplace." "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."

    Thanks to Oliver Willis for linking that.

    { 5 comments… read them below or add one }

    Annie 09.06.05 at 1:05

    So wonderful to know that losing family, homes, jobs and city is working out so well. Jeeze, who knew they were so lucky.

    Texan embarassed by Babs

    Winston 09.06.05 at 6:58

    Those Bush women are so compassionate! Ronni Bennett at:
    quotes a disgusting account of how Laura Bush and her posse shutdown a team working with Red Cross in Lafayette, LA, for 8 hours so they could do a photo-op. Great American values!

    Brian 09.07.05 at 11:24

    And yet - and this is anecdotal - NPR had a quickie interview this a.m. with a fellow who has been refugeed to Phoenix. He said he was happy there, the people were nice, open arms and he was staying.

    There is always a silver lining. New Orleans looses (big time) the rest of the country benefits from their best and brightest grabbing onto opportunity.

    Tutor 09.08.05 at 10:48

    “Exterminate all of the brutes,” as the exponent of an earlier empire famously said of the savages up river in the Congo. We have made no progress have we? Once London, now we, are the heart of darkness, Brian.

    Brian 09.09.05 at 4:31

    Once London, now we, are the heart of darkness, Brian.

    I think you’re making a wild jump from “this is working very well for them.” to “Exterminate all of the brutes”. It’s possible that Mrs. Bush is simply a nice old lady and means well and isn’t, ideologically speaking, a first cousin to Stalin.

    Which is good, I suppose. Four hundred years ago we wouldn’t be having this conversation - it would have been a debate between those who simply want to (as you put it) exterminate the oppressed and those who want to baptize them THEN exterminate them.


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