23rd August 2005

CEO Hotty - Victoria Hale

posted in Bidness |

VhaleInaugurating a series of snapshots of CEO Hotties, today we present Victoria Hale.  It takes more than hair product, misting, and good bones to qualify as a Sandhill CEO Hotty.  Your work has to be meaningful too.  Victoria Hale is Founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of the Institute for OneWorld Health, a non-profit pharmaceutical company.

Interviewed by Anna Sarver in Synapse, the UCSF student paper, Dr. Hale had this to say about the inspiration for her company:

There is one underlying feature of the pharmaceutical sciences that is

after a while a bit annoying or disturbing, some people might even say
makes them angry, and that is that the industry discovers or does
research on so many more products or diagnostics than they’ll ever take
forward. There is a lot of initial work and abandonment of projects. I
really came to know this intimately at FDA. There are perfectly good
products but the key is that as you move along through late stage
research and development, increasingly you have marketing groups or
economic groups impacting the project and projects are routinely
abandoned because corporations or groups realize that there is not the
financial opportunity at the end of the road that you thought there was
or hoped there was or something has changed.

That means that there are a lot of compounds, we’ll call them drugs,
that are available that haven’t failed, they haven’t produced
toxicities. Some of them even have great efficacy in systems that
they’ve been tested in; there just wasn’t the financial justification
to move them forward. After watching that for so many years and arguing
with companies about not abandoning certain fields, certain orphan
diseases for instance, I decided that there was enough out there in the
infectious disease area, particularly in parasitology, to found a
company. There is enough of what you can call "low hanging fruit." I
decided as part of this that we had to be a non-profit organization;
otherwise we would err always towards the profitability option, which
is where everyone else was. We really needed a non-profit organization
that could accept these compounds, and have access to funding like
tax-free donations and funders like the Bill & Melinda Gates

[If you would like to nominate a CEO Hotty to appear in this blog, send a digitized picture and enough bio detail for our judges to sink their teeth into to "CEO Hotties" c/o fpaynter@gmail.com]

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2025 at 7:05 and is filed under Bidness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 6 responses to “CEO Hotty - Victoria Hale”

We invite you to comment!

  1. 1 On August 23rd, 2025, Chaunce T. Gardener said:

    Sharon Whiteley?

  2. 2 On August 23rd, 2025, Vivian Lamamour said:

    I nominate Sally Crawford.

  3. 3 On August 23rd, 2025, Barney Bush said:

    Susan Molinari!!!

  4. 4 On August 23rd, 2025, Elayne Riggs said:

    I nominate myself as Hale’s would-be exec assistant. Hey Ms. Hale, give me a call! :)

  5. 5 On August 24th, 2025, fp said:

    Yes. Well, Elayne, I have my resume in to be Dr. Hale’s assistant, and I give a great shoulder massage. Maybe you would like to work for Kim Polese (above)? Or, hopefully over the next few weeks we’ll post more of these and your job hunt can broaden somewhat.

  6. 6 On October 12th, 2025, 이훈 said:

    100배 이상 영어학습이 빨라지고 쉬워지는 원리가
    개발되었다고 하는군요.
    많은 지식인들이 그 원리를 알아보고 영어의 혁명이
    일어났다고들 한답니다.
    저도 그 원리를 습득해 보고 혼자 알기에 너무 아까워서
    이렇게 소식 전합니다.
    사이트 www.007.or.kr 에서 그냥 견본을 다운받아
    살펴보시면 영어에 대한 확실한 자신감이 생기실 겁니다.

    p.s 운영자님 저에게 메일로 홈페이지 주소를 알려주시면
    이 내용게시를 원하지 않으시면 즉시 삭제후
    다시는 올리지 않겠습니다..
    죄송합니다. 건강하십시요.
    비번: 1232

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