11th August 2005

Using the long board…

I’m a clickster, an old fashioned net surfer, no hanging ten off the short board of RSS for me.  I have aggregators up the gazatch of course.  Sharpreader is a good one, if client based.  Bloglines is fine too.  But in the last few years I haven’t bothered to pull RSS feeds into a daily habit.  I have a blogroll and I have people I read because I like what they write or I’m at least informed by it.  Not everybody I read is a friend and not every friend do I read with anything like regularity.  I bounce around and enjoy picking up threads where I find them.  What need have I for the new-fangled feed gadgets?  I find them as convenient as I would a distribution company dropping off a fresh newstand full of papers and periodicals on my doorstep every morning.  Conceivably, if was a grad student in a library carrel I might set up an aggregator to support some research, but day to day?  You can keep those silly short boards.  I’m sticking to the long board for my surfing pleasure.

Speaking of which.  I enjoyed this moment with Tamar Jacobson and her touch of writer’s block.

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 11th, 2025 at 7:26 and is filed under Blogging Community News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On August 11th, 2025, pat said:

    Ah..me, too. I have a Bloglines account and RSS readers integrated into various browsers. I find I don’t use them. I have two blogs and two blogrolls and if there’s time I like to surf the blogrolls of the blogs I’ve blogrolled. Is that a tongue twister? I can’t seem to fit feeds into my schedule.

  2. 2 On August 11th, 2025, Ronni Bennett said:

    I’m with you, Frank and pat. I’ve set up RSS readers and I never use them. First, I like to see the “real” blog, the layout, the colors, how it “sits” in the browser and scrolls nicely.

    Not everyone, but a lot of bloggers spend time and effort making their sites visually attractive and it’s pleasure to read them the way they are intended.

    I read the folks on my blogroll and I have bookmarks for some others I like to check in on.

    I’ve occasionally set up feeds for a topic I’m temporarily interested in, but even then, I find Google Alerts easier.

  3. 3 On August 11th, 2025, fp said:

    Just when I’m ready to carve an anti-aggregator rule in concrete Mike Golby and Brian Moffatt both turn up with posts. And Bruce. These guys post sporadically, so I wonder if I had a short list of sporadic posters in an aggregator if I could be alerted when they had current stuff. Then I’d naturally click through to their site(s) for the good reasons Ronni lists.

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