10th August 2005


Those sneaky christians scored again…  now Bush supports both the teaching of creationism ( the principle that god threw this shit together 6000 years ago and laid in a few dinosaurs to confuse us) AND "intelligent design" (the principle that god threw this shit together a real long time ago and the dinosaurs were real, hence Texaco gasoline).

Know what’s spooky?  Some adult Americans actually believe that this is the choice we face in articulating an understanding of the multiverse.

BTW… the article continues with an overview of the new Deometry curriculum:

The Odessa school system is also considering replacing its current high school math curriculum with a new approach that emphasizes God’s role in the study of quantity, structure, change and space. One likely course offering: Deometry, in which students of the field once known as geometry (from geo meaning earth and metro meaning measure) accept as their starting point that God created the earth, before embarking on their study of lines, points and circles. Educators are reportedly also debating the best way to incorporate the role of the Creator into other high school classes, including home economics, gym and drivers ed. 

Thanks to Norm for the link.  I guess.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 10th, 2025 at 4:49 and is filed under Global Concern, Math and Science, Peace and Politics, What Democracy Looks Like. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “Bummer…”

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  1. 1 On August 10th, 2025, Ronni Bennett said:

    I don’t understand this intelligent design stuff - which is just a euphemism for creationism anyway. I don’t see the problem between believing in Christ’s divinity, if one does, and Darwin and if memory serves, even the Pope - or, at least, the recently deceased one - agrees with that.

    It has occurred to me that perhaps a large part of the problem is that the general public, in discussing Darwin’s THEORY of evolution, understands the word “theory” as it is used in everyday conversation to mean conjecture, speculation, even guess.

    In science, the word theory has a different and specific definition:

    “a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses.”

  2. 2 On August 10th, 2025, Niek Hockx said:

    I guess this explains why - for the past 25 years or so - we’ve been able to watch American porn for free on Dutch television. The same stuff you guys usually only get to see on special pay channels in the Homeland. You are of course exporting this kind of “creationism” to bring democracy and freedom to the rest of the world! Now that’s what I call “intelligent design” ! ;-)

  3. 3 On August 11th, 2025, bmo said:

    What’s a cubit?

    Deometry. Funny sick.

    I wonder if the Romans came to believe - literally - in Zeus as the Empire crumbled.

    Hie thee to a vomitorium.

  4. 4 On August 11th, 2025, the head lemur said:

    Intelligent Design is Intellectual Pornography.

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