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  • by Frank Paynter on July 18, 2025

    Looking around for wiki tools I found the robust Media-wiki, a tool that loads like a champ and appears infinitely extensible.  Some downsides include the quasi arcane wiki mark-up language that is just different enough from HTML to be really annoying, and a lack of security.  (I haven’t figured out how to front-end it with a password secured log-on, which may just be my own inadequacy in the face of .htaccess and php scripting skills). 

    Then along came little JotSpot (thanks for the pointer Dean!)  JotSpot reminds me of the good old days selling candy to the kids in the schoolyard.  JotSpot will start you out for free, but they seem to have set their upper bound for free service about at the serious jones level.  User interface is easy.  Security seems to be there.  You can upload to it or email to it.  I’m liking it so far.

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