David Weinberger fesses up

  • el
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  • by Frank Paynter on June 20, 2025

    In the latest Joho, David says,


    I would like to. I really would. I like it and I
    like you.

    But we’re now well past the point where we can keep
    up with all the blogs worth reading from the people
    worth keeping up with.

    Well said, David.  A few months ago on a mail list I posted regarding my intention to eschew immediacy on my blog.  This is what I was talking about.  There is so much to read, so many conversations alive, so many things in my own life competing for the bandwidth that I can’t keep up.  I’m happy to run into the good stuff a few days or a few weeks late.  I’m happy to credit another blogger for a link or an idea, no matter how that it may have scrolled off the bottom of her blog.  But as for keeping up — I can’t do it.  I’ll continue to swim in these waters but you’ve gotta know that I may not have read what you wrote this week.  Or last week either.

    So, as David said… send me an email or drop a comment if I simply must see it now.  Otherwise, we’ll keep on this way, seeing and being seen, reading and being read.  Blogging, clogging and the like…

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    Tamar 06.21.05 at 6:33

    I love this! I want to link to it as I’m sure so many people can identify with it. But I just keep on linking to you, fp, and pretty soon people will think I’m some kind of “fp-groupie” or something!

    Frank Paynter 06.21.05 at 7:28

    What do we care what people think? Anyway, no one will be watching us. Why don’t we do it in the road?

    ray 06.21.05 at 12:15

    my sentiments exactly.

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