Denver Three

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 18, 2025

    There is growing concern in Colorado and across the country that the US Secret Service is fast becoming a "political arm of the President."  Thanks to Poor Richard’s Anorak for the link.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Harry 06.18.05 at 10:09

    There’s something about Bushist philosophy that reminds me of Ivor the Engine.

    The poor little train is doing the best it can, but all these mean people keep jeering at it. Every time Ivor/Bush gets ready to give himself an affirmation (I think I can, I think I can), they start quibbling with him. “So tell us, Ivor/Bush, how is that magic going to work?”. Oooh! I could just stomp my feet at their mean, partisan jibes. Ivor/Bush has to keep up his morale (I know I can, I know I can). If he doesn’t, the sensitive New Age compassion will stall and collapse dead on the tracks.

    Wingnut victimology has taken a decisive turn for the worse in the years since Reagan.

    Brian 06.18.05 at 11:06

    Harry, I’d have to re-read that book but in the one I read my kids the Little Engine repeats his mantra and LO over the hill he goes, and the girls and boys get their Christmas toys.

    I rather think that the engine was really designed to handle the load but he’d never read his own specs. Ah, growing up is hard.

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