Simplified Keyboard

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 13, 2025

    We’re almost ready to ship this simplified input device.  Taking orders now at Sandhill Hardware International Division:


    { 13 comments… read them below or add one }

    Stu Savory 06.13.05 at 11:54

    Surely,Frank, your company should be called :
    Sandhill Hardware International Technologies!

    That’d be real S.H.I.T, man ;-)

    fp 06.13.05 at 12:09

    Some things are better implied than stated. I intend to hire a bunch of sweet young Presbyterian girls and give them the job title:

    Sandhill Hardware International Knowledge Software Associates.

    meg 06.13.05 at 3:39

    I’m Presbyterian and hit both buttons at the same time. Duh. Simplify. Make it one button.

    madame l. 06.14.05 at 7:34

    could you add a wikipedia button?

    fp 06.14.05 at 8:30

    I could, but it will cost extra.

    tony 06.14.05 at 10:20

    sign me up!

    gillian 06.14.05 at 12:23

    What if I want to hear porn music?

    fp 06.14.05 at 12:49

    You should stop by my place and I will hook you up.

    memer 06.14.05 at 6:39

    You know how to push our buttons, Frank. I got dibs on Canadian distribution rights.

    Frank Paynter 06.14.05 at 6:46

    Okay, but our billing is in US dollars or Euros.

    mememomi 06.14.05 at 7:14

    Empty interlude

    Watching porn, it turns out, isn’t as much fun unless wifey’s either watchin it with me or I’m sneekin peeks while she snores in the other room. Who knew.

    Dean Landsman 06.15.05 at 12:57

    Maybe the portable model should be known as the Bi-Pod.

    Frank Paynter 06.15.05 at 1:24

    I’m trying to remain gender neutral in my marketing. Except for Gillian.

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