Return of the ZA

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 12, 2025

    "Imagine having to look after the prom queen while being attacked by a bunch of crazed pygmies."

    Golby surfaced, somewhere on the Congo, SCUBA clad and pushing a raft of the new pepper gel ahead of him, hoping for a quick profit in Kindu before the hike out overland into Cibitoke, Burundi where Locke should be waiting with the chopper.  Waiting there, that is, if he hasn’t gotten all fucked up with some local voojitsu nonsense.  Good luck, Mike.

    I told Golby I’d fly him out, but no-oooo… he says I lack a certain spiritual he-knows-not-what.  Fuck him then.  I swapped out his pepper gel for a couple hundred cases of the Gillette product.  Let’s see what the customers think about that kind of personal protection.

    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    Dean Landsman 06.12.05 at 11:48

    You’ll fly him out . . . to New York for a visit, of course. Right?

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