Beauty Tips

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 9, 2025


    Shania Twain is just one of the hordes of rural cognoscenti who use Bag Balm to keep their hands moist and soft.  Star Magazine implies that Jennifer Garner may be a Bag Balm user too, but as near as I can tell this is just an idle rumor… your farm correspondent has been unable to find marketing material on SMOOth, the udder cream Star says that Garner and Twain both use.

    I now return you to the Radar Magazine Gossip Quiz.

    { 5 comments… read them below or add one }

    Can You Hear Me Now? 06.09.05 at 4:59

    Bag balm?

    Link: Sandhill Trek: Beauty Tips. Bag balm huh? Are utters really soft or are we just slathering ourselves with this stuff at the humor of others? I’ve never been close enough to utters to test this theory of mine.

    brian moffatt 06.10.05 at 1:56

    I, too, use Bag Balm. After a heavy day of blogging nothing soothes my chafed tips like a dollop of Bag Balm. Great after a moisture sucking afternoon in the sheep manure too. Which some may see as much the same thing. Bag Balm is da bomb!

    Lulu 06.24.05 at 8:11

    I think this is the product they are talking about. Udderly SMooth Udder Cream. It really does exist.


    Anonymous 07.14.05 at 10:31

    The original udder balm has been reformulated for face and skin. Log on to The stuff contains understood ingredients like aloe vera,vitamins A, E, & D3, lanolin, sunscreens and moisturizers. Whereas some of the “trendy’ and “pricey” skin creams contain fairy dust ingredients like baby chick embryo, queen bee royal jelly and sea kelp harvested to classical music. The surprise might be why not? Instead of why Shania Twain and Jennifer Gardner has joined legions of udder balm believers. And why some company was smart enough to humanize the stuff.

    Mark 03.14.06 at 10:57

    Dont fall for the humanudderbalm is ‘Original Udder Balm reformulated’ crap… humanudderbalm is a knockoff of Original Udder Balm and is NOT made by the same company. The best place to find the good stuff is at

    I Have tried Original and the cheap knockoffs including humanudderbalm and Udderly Smooth (even when they are more expensive) and nothing compares to the true Original Udder Balm!

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