Dean Landsman

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 8, 2025

    Dean blogs big.  His posts are long and often deep.  Here are links to two that impressed me.  The first, at morph, the Media Center blog drew my attention and I wanted to write something responsive.  Haven’t done that yet.  But my good intentions about writing something responsive to Dean go back a few years now. 

    This next one is newer, noticed today following a link from Doc Searls who is heavy into Danny Kaye schtick and on his way to Scandinavia where I gather he hopes to buy some teak furniture or something.  Dean’s latest interested me because I’ve just been emailing with some proto-leftist bourgeois dupes of the international corporate conspiracy… running dogs of the doodah set…  trying to explain to these people why a Clear Channel Air America is perhaps less <air quotes>liberal</air quotes> than they might prefer.

    Dean speaks clearly about music programming formats in the broadcasting main stream.

    Doc isn’t actually on a Danish modern hunt.  They have Ikea in California after all.  No, he’s going to Copenhagen to keynote a conference.  He may do a little Danny Kaye/Hans Christian Anderson number while he’s there.  I think of him more like a Neo than like a Mr. Anderson though.

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