Apres moi, les dishes…

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 2, 2025

    Wonderful what a few minutes free time will do for the disposition…

    I read the CBO’s latest post, an advert for David Ickes’ ("one of the planet’s foremost nutjobs") radio appearance this evening as well as a long sprint around the darkness that is modern day anti-semitism, political cult mongering, and what-all.  I was moved to send him my copy of the TinfoilHat Linux mascot.  I meant this in a good way.

    Earlier I pointed to Alex Golub’s first post on semiotic technologies, "Eyeball Time."  Having pointed, I just now took the time to actually go back and read it.  While there are no primordial lizard people’s bloodlines evoked, the post gently leads one forward into a subject that is often cluttered with big-word obfuscation.  Alex uses the dread "hermeneutics," then actually defines it in a way that makes sense!

    I’m looking forward to the next installment.  (Also, my snarky aside regarding dissertation defense procrastination was written before I read the post.  Obviously this is a fresh piece of work much more significant than the usual blog-addict procrastinative device.  Go Rex!)

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