21st March 2005

Wordpress or Drupal?

It’s time for me to move off Typepad.  I’m going to bump up against the maximums pretty soon in terms of throughput and storage. Here’s a great CMS comparison.  I wish I had started here!  But I started in the middle of things and gradually got more conversant with my own limitations and my hosting provider’s.

Well, Wordform would probably be cool, but I’ll wait for Shelley to formally release it before I jump in with both feet there.  Also, I expect that Matt Mullenweg and others are looking closely at what she’s doing and that some of her better ideas will find their way into Wordpress 1.5.n.  Meanwhile, I looked at Postnuke and thought it was way constipated.  The download was about a zillion megabytes.  I looked at NucleusCMS and discovered you better read the fine print because you need root access on your server which I discovered I don’t havewhen I tried to install it.

Textpattern has fascinated me for years but I don’t think I could muddle through an installation and customization without some hand holding and nobody is holding my hand right now.  I have a lot of respect fro Dean Allen and hope that I learn enough to work with his tool some day, but I’m a lowly systems analyst, not a programmer by trade or training.

I’ve been working with WordPress and I like it. WordPress is open source with a large and growing community of users.  It has a marvelous wiki that provides documentation and links out into the devlopment community.

I’ll test Drupal next and then watch for Sandhill Trek rel. 3 at listics.com, coming sooner or later.

MT?  Don’t get me started.  I mean, I’m sure it’s a good product, but….

This entry was posted on Monday, March 21st, 2025 at 10:26 and is filed under Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 2 responses to “Wordpress or Drupal?”

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  1. 1 On March 22nd, 2025, Anil said:

    Curious, what’s your objection to Movable Type?

  2. 2 On March 22nd, 2025, fp said:

    Here is a quick response to your brief question regarding my unstated but implicitly negative criticism of MT. I do not want to go to deeply into this because I admire your company and its management. Dragging out my trivial criticisms in public would not be good for anyone.

    The commercial aspect of MT is one facet of my criticism vis a vis my own personal use of course. Perhaps more importantly, I have the impression, call it a feeling, that the vibrant community of MT users and developers has moved on from there. This isn’t to say that a core of influential and important, creative and intelligent users doesn’t remain, nor is it to say that I don’t have confidence in Six Apart’s ability to continue to meet the needs of bloggers with your product offerings, including the limited no-cost release of MT. I do acknowledge that the community exists, and Six Apart does have my confidence.

    But if I am going to dive into the deep end of the pool of self maintenance of my blogging platform – a new thing for me – then I want there to be others around who will be supportive of my self-education. The best bloggers that I know on MT are no more technical than I am. The technical bloggers I know are dancing around the Textpattern/Wordpress/ and to some extent the Drupal world(s). The amazing array of adequate Content Management Systems gives me a big choice. As I educate myself to make the choice, I remain stuck with the impression of MT and Six Apart as a solid commercial product offered by a good company.

    Wordpress and Drupal are perhaps less solid and founded in a community of users and developers rather than built on a corporate interest. Therefore, for me, eliminating MT from my menu has more to do with the possibility of conversations in the GPL communities and less to do with the technical merit of the Movable Type product.

    MT remains a viable alternative for me to recommend to clients and I think you people will continue to grow and prosper in the market.

    If you’d like to hear about some of the inconsistencies I ran into in the information and access to MT on the Six Apart web site we could yak about that offline.

    Thanks for asking.

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