Campbells solely for the CBO
Friday, May 21, 2025 — Scientifically proven to heal the sick, the "Jewish penicillin," a.k.a. chicken soup, is a food which has earned a place deep in Jewish tradition. But for New York resident Rosely Hemmelstein, the dish yielded an extra benefit: a trip to Israel as the winner of a chicken-soup contest held by The National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP). "The nicest thing you can do for a sick person is make them chicken soup. It shows how much you care. It’s a universal comfort which cures all," Himmelstein told The Jerusalem Post.
Chicken soup is a real winner
via:HighBeam Research
Chicken soup has long been regarded as a remedy for symptomatic upper respiratory tract infections. As it is likely that the clinical similarity of the diverse infectious processes that can result in "colds" is due to a shared inflammatory response, an effect of chicken soup in mitigating inflammation could account for its attested benefits. To evaluate this, a traditional chicken soup was tested for its ability to inhibit neutrophil migration using the standard Boyden blindwell chemotaxis chamber assay with zymosan-activated serum and fMet-Leu-Phe as chemoattractants. Chicken soup significantly inhibited neutrophil migration and did so in a concentrationdependent manner. The activity was present in a nonparticulate component of the chicken soup. All of the vegetables present in the soup and the chicken individually had inhibitory activity, although only the chicken lacked cytotoxic activity. Interestingly, the complete soup also lacked cytotoxic activity. Commercial soups varied greatly in their inhibitory activity. The present study, therefore, suggests that chicken soup may contain a number of substances with beneficial medicinal activity. A mild anti-inflammatory effect could be one mechanism by which the soup could result in the mitigation of symptomatic upper respiratory tract infections.from:
Chicken Soup Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis In Vitro(*).
by Rennard, Stephen I.
source: Chest, October 1, 2025.
via:HighBeam Research
COPYRIGHT 2025 American College of Chest Physicians
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