21st February 2005

Sandhill Survey

GidgetWho will you miss most, Gidget or Gonzo.  Today we mourn the passing of someone who was little and sweet and cute, someone who looked good in a bikini bottom and an Annapurna  Expedition "Women  on Top" t-shirt.  And providing karmic balance, we lost the sour and gnarly father of gonzo journalism too.  So vote in the comments below, who will you miss most, and why:

Sandra Dee?

- or -

Hunter Thompson?Hunters

This entry was posted on Monday, February 21st, 2025 at 9:53 and is filed under Anti-intellectual Thuggery. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 10 responses to “Sandhill Survey”

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  1. 1 On February 21st, 2025, Betsy Devine said:

    Sandra Dee left our planet richer by two grandchildren, her courageous personal battle to kick booze and drugs, not to mention some cute photo stills and funny old movies.

    And I bet not one brilliant young writer ruined his/her life or health trying to be just like Sandra Dee.

  2. 2 On February 21st, 2025, fp said:

    Thank you Betsy. Sandra Dee leads by one vote. 1 - 0

  3. 3 On February 21st, 2025, Mayo said:

    Gonzo for me. Therapy while watching the pain. Besides, I still have pictures of Sandra.

  4. 4 On February 21st, 2025, RageBoy said:

    I didn’t even know Sandra Dee was still alive. Well, and now, look at that, it appears she’s not. My God, wasn’t she John Dee’s daughter? I have to say, she’s looking well preserved for her age in that photo, if that’s the case. But she never shot her typewriter, so I’m going to have to go with the good Doctor. Metaphorically speaking. that is.

    Grease is the word. Only *rarely*.

  5. 5 On February 21st, 2025, fp said:

    John Dee Rockenroller? Or who? Certainly not the old Rosicrucian dude? That would make her like 400 years old. Oh. Good point. I’ll look it up…

  6. 6 On February 21st, 2025, madame l. said:

    To Be Fair
    It Could Also Be Said:

    HST left our planet richer by a son and a grandson, his courageous personal battle to not be pressured into kicking booze and drugs, not to mention some cute photo stills and funny old movies.
    And I bet not one Brilliant young writer ruined his/her life or health trying to be just like HST.

  7. 7 On February 22nd, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    Oh, good grief, Frank. What a question. But I forgive you. Who the hell was Sandra Dee anyhow?

    Out here in the world, it looks as though the lights are going out all over America. And with the Doctor’s departure, the houselights sure did dim. I’m with Leslie on this one (as I am with Leslie on most things, it seems).

  8. 8 On February 22nd, 2025, fp said:

    Thank you Mike and Leslie, Mayo and RB. The voting now stands four to one in favor of reincarnating HST ahead of Ms. D.

  9. 9 On February 22nd, 2025, Betsy Devine said:

    Heh. Well, I guess it just shows how much older, not to mention grumpier, I am than you guys. I guess I think of HST primarily as a dangerous example to young folks (in my day, we had to walk 20 miles to get stoned and blast stuff with shotguns) rather than as an inspiring example. I have been enjoying, however, the warm tributes by fp, David Isenberg, and others. So mark me down as not just grumpy but inconsistent also.

  10. 10 On February 22nd, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    My answer: John Riatt. Yep, Bonnie’s dad. Death, as usual, comes in threes.

    In that movie being scripted, shot, arranged and readied for release in the afterlife, the good doctor will pen the screenplay. It will star Sandra Dee. John Riatt will sing the theme song.

    Perhaps this is the chance for production of a title I have long imagined: “GIDGET MISSES A MONTH”

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