10th February 2005

The Terminator

According to yesterday’s Guardian, "…Canada wants all
governments to accept the testing and commercialisation of ‘terminator’
crop varieties. These are genetically engineered to produce only

infertile seeds which farmers cannot replant."

There is only one reason for the development of these terminator seed strains: corporate profit.  The risks associated with terminator strain genetic drift into the general food seed stock are huge.   The  business model that cuts off the marginal operation from maximizing it’s own investment in seed stock is cruelly exploitative.  The narrowing of edible options for a growing population is culturally demeaning.

But if you like an exclusive diet of iceberg lettuce and white corporate tomatoes, you’ll love terminator crop varieties.  Monsanto manufactures these seeds.  I understand that General Motors owns Monsanto.  And everyone knows that what’s good for GM is good for the world.

What the hell.  The contaminated air will kill us long before we starve from the food value free terminator crops.

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 10th, 2025 at 4:49 and is filed under Farm Almanac, Global Concern, Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 3 responses to “The Terminator”

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  1. 1 On February 10th, 2025, Jessica said:

    General Motors owns Monsanto? I thought it was an evil force unto itself.

  2. 2 On March 8th, 2025, datura said:

    general motors does not own monsanto, pfizer pharm. does.

  3. 3 On March 8th, 2025, fp said:

    I don’t know if I was being stupid or trying to be funny. Monsanto GM is a force… and GM in this case stands for Genetically Modified. I really couldn’t tell you if I knew this last year when I wrote that post!

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