22nd January 2005

The meat…

Vegetarian Doctor Weinberger delivered the choicest tidbit of the webcred conference over dinner last night.  This little match girl, nose earnestly pressed to window, ragged sleeve wiping condensate from the glass in order to get a better view of what’s going on inside, found this morsel in the transcription from last night.  Drawing the three threads of his speech - ethics, blogging, and taxonomies - Joho said:

we’re engaged in a global project of taking down the trees and rolling in the leaves

Makes me want to hang up this consulting gig and get one of those high paid jobs blogging as a bioinformatics-ethicist.

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 22nd, 2025 at 4:49 and is filed under Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software, Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 2 responses to “The meat…”

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  1. 1 On January 23rd, 2025, Kombinat! said:

    I would love to be at one of those conferences. I am White, Male, English speaking. I think I qualify.

    Aside from that the mp3 of Weinberger speech is excellent. I listened to it after I was listening to the webcast and IRC speech. On IRC I mentioned that they didn’t speak at the conference about blogging vs. journalism as looking as a distinction of abundance vs. scarcity. Weinberger mentioned it in his speech on friday night but I don’t think it was ever mentioned on Saturday. Listen to his remarks on ‘economy of abundance’ and I love that he called Dewey a ‘young 23 year old punk who decided to classify ALL the knowledge’.

  2. 2 On January 24th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    The idea, it would seem, is to hang your shingle as a blogging/bioinformatics-ethicist consultant. Next: trade links and hugely deep sentences with a cadre of A-listers. Following that, issue press releases that contain [mostly] blog posts, making certain to send same to A-Minus list bloggers — those known more for linkage (and suck-up-itude) than content, yet always given the occasional mercy-cred/prop by the more official A-listers.

    ∙ Declare a conference.

    ∙ Convince a major institution of higher learning to host (read: sponsor) the groundbreaking majorly important and earth-shattering festivities. “Blogging: New Coefficient Socioeconomic Force on Bioinformatics-ethicists.”

    ∙ Create conference website.

    ∙ Name A-Listers as moderators.

    ∙ Invite press (no charge) (include any and every faux-journo blogger, and all the usual “is blogging journalism?” blatherers).

    ∙ Declare a profound cause (associated with either the university or the topic) to be discussed at conference.

    ∙ Create scholarships for attendees unable to pay registration fee. Announce in your blog, conference blog, and send note to all A-Listers, A-Minus, and other types, seeking trackback and link mentions.

    ∙ Allow X-number of A-Listers to name at least 10 scholarship-worthy toadies. Bathe in glow of self-righteousness. Post blog entries to this effect. Share the bask and the glow with the A-Listers.

    ∙ Post comments in A-List blogs, always referring to the conference, no matter what the subject of the blog may have been.

    ∙ Release daily updates.

    ∙ Declare conference a success at least three weeks ahead of kick-off day.

    ∙ Schedule “off-hours” parties, allow sponsors to offer Wi-Fi and other high-tech/non-touch goodies. Remember to never announce sponsors as sponsors, but as contributing supporters.

    ∙ Seek commercial sponsors of next conference afterwards.

    ∙ Use whole deal to get more consulting and shilling assignments.

    ∙ Become consulting and shilling consultant. Name usual suspect A-Listers to esteemed Advisory Board.

    ∙ Create Social Network site based on the above.

    ∙ Sell site (and rights to the continuing conference) to major corporation and live happily ever after.

    Then give me my 10% fee for planning this whole enterprise (note use of proper term!) for you. Repeat process.

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