Powell Replacement?
Ken Camp, the guy who wrote the book on VoIP and has long since moved on to new frontiers responds to my "Who would you like to see replace Powell?" question thusly (after affirming that Werbach and Crawford would be good choices):
…Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing someone from farther afield. Bob Metcalfe would be a fresh view to the FCC in my mind. Or someone like that. In the end, I don’t get any input and I think Becky Klein is the most likely. As former Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Texas, and knowing how this administration leans, I think she’s got the strongest chance at the moment. Then again, I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone without a strong relevant background appointed as chairman. … Far more extensive is the list of people I hope don’t get tagged into the FCC in any role, but that’s a list I won’t publish. At least not at this point.