28th September 2005

This is going to be big


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posted in Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos | 0 Comments

28th September 2005

Nano Nano

Here.  Go take this survey on "the current state of blogging in the enterprise" and be eligible to win an iPod Nano.  Survey sponsored by BlogOn2005, to which I feel a responsibility to post this because I accepted one free ticket.  I think I need another one for Beth at this rate.  Natalie?  Suw?  Chris?  Can I get a ticket for Beth please?

[This is the Convenient Technorati Tag Link for BlogOn 2025 so the state of the art search engines at Technorati can collate this post among the dozens of others related to BlogOn 2025 in case someone is looking for all BlogOn 2025 material because they are writing a BlogOn 2025 term paper or something... a link in other words, to make the information a little less miscellaneous and a little more mucilaginous... a link in other words, that is a pain in the ass to create because there are to my knowledge no tools that allow comfortable tagging into the technorati whirlpool of ego-surf data.]

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posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 0 Comments

28th September 2005

Free Speech

Blogs permit the expression of and access to a diversity of political
opinions and other information on a scale never before seen.  This
speech must remain free and not be discouraged by burdensome
regulation.  As such, it should be explicit that the activities of
bloggers are covered by the press exemption of Sections 100.73 and

Mark Fletcher of Bloglines provided a statement to the House of Representatives on why Free Speech should remain protected, even when it happens here.  The full statement…

Thanks to JR for the link.

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posted in Journo | 0 Comments

27th September 2005

I was never a big air guitarist…

But right now, after the end of part two of the Scorsese thing, I imagine that there are approximately 22,342 men in America doing what I’m doing… trying to unwrap a Bach fruit slice while standing and shouting doggerel at the dog in a throaty Dylan voice that sounds so loud…. trying to figure out what it’s all about… struggling that damn candy to unpeeeeeeellll… tell me how does it feel?

I wonder how many Englishmen were so moved.  I have an accurate count of the mad dogs.  136.  Or 142.

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posted in Arts and Literature | 2 Comments

27th September 2005

Joi Ito on World of Warcraft

Joi expounds on the delights of the game.

For instance, I recently acquired the blueprint to make Aquadynamic
Fish Attractors. These things increase your ability in fishing. (Some
people don’t seem to appreciate fishing, but it’s a great way to pass
time when you have low bandwidth and want to just relax.) To make one,
you need 2 bars of bronze (which require a bar of tin and a bar of
copper which require tin and copper ore which needs to be mined),
nightcrawlers and corse blasting powder (which is made from corse
stone, which is mined). You then use these fish attractors to increase
your fishing ability so that you can catch, for instance, the Deviate
Fish. These fish can be found in the lakes to the east of Ratchet in
the Barrens. Add spice and cook these fish (if you have the proper
cooking skill and recipe which is very hard to get) and you can create Savory Deviate Delights. So what? Well, if you eat a Savory Deviate Delight, you randomly turn into a ninja or a pirate.

So what? Well, it’s cool. There are only a few people who are able
to create these things so you rarely see ninjas or pirates running
around. When I board the boat to sail to another continent or am in a
group raiding a dungeon, I often transform into a ninja. To many
people, I am the first ninja they have ever seen in the game. I then
give everyone who wants one, their own fish. Soon we have a funny party
of ninja and pirates. Why do I do this? Marketing. I sell Savory
Deviate Delights at the auction house and I have a feeling this
marketing increases demand. You can buy a stack of 20 of these for your
next party in the Darkmines for a mere five gold or so. (The market
price of the recipe is about 50 gold and about 0.1% of beasts in the
Barrens carry it.)  More…

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posted in What Democracy Looks Like | 0 Comments

27th September 2005

BlogOn 2025 Evangelism…

We interrupt this blog for a message from your local conference shill, umm.  I mean "Evangelist."  The BlogOn 2025 conference has added some weight.  The current schedule, a continuing Work In Progress, is here.  If you’d like to attend at a rate of $695, contact me by October 3.  The posted registration fee for the event is $1,495.  Here’s a letter I received from Chris Shipley…


On behalf of the entire BlogOn 2025 team - Mike, Suw, Karen, Natalie and myself - thank you for assisting us with BlogOn 2025. Your involvement as evangelists and advisors is critical, and we appreciate you supporting the conference.

Read the rest of this entry »

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posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 1 Comment

27th September 2005

Web2.0 Meme Map

Originally uploaded by Tim O’Reilly.

Everything you needed to know about Web 2.0 but were afraid to ask.

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posted in Miscellaneous | 0 Comments

26th September 2005


Shelley points to the New Yorker’s tasty bit on "intelligent design."

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posted in High Noise - Low Signal | 0 Comments

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