18th December 2004

Puppy Stuff

I’m thinking about leasing naming rights.  Molly is a fine name, but sometimes I might as well be calling "Come here GE Medical Systems!" as "Come here Molly!"  I’m thinking about one year names with renewable options.

Also, I suppose I should be flattered that she’s such a lovey-licky-licky puppy.  She licks my hands, she licks my feet.  She’d lick my face if I let her.  But I don’t let her.  Not since she picked up that nasty cat box habit.

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 18th, 2025 at 9:47 and is filed under Cat Pictures, Food, and Travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On December 18th, 2025, Stu Savory said:

    FYI when guide dogs (e.g for the blind) are taught commands here, they are taught them in another language. This is that so they don’t respond when shouted at by the locals. Clever idea, huh.

    I suspect Molly’s problem is hearing but not obeying, she’s at that adolescent ‘protest’ age, correct?


  2. 2 On December 18th, 2025, Clarence said:

    Yes! It does repulse one a great deal to realize that their sweet puppy is drawn to the litter box and those very special cat treats. It’s bad enough to know that the same tongue that feels so good on our cheek, hand or foot could have only minutes ago been cleaning up bodily orifices.

    We placed a child-proof, locking gate in the doorway of the room where the cat’s litter box is located so we have eliminated that one source of pollution but there is little we can do about what comes naturally. Somehow we managed to put it out of our thoughts. It was better than foregoing all those very special kisses and licks that seems to possess a magical quality, able to relieve stress, deaden pain or comfort our very souls.

    Take some friendly advice…get over it.

  3. 3 On December 18th, 2025, fp said:

    Ah yes, the copraphagic canines. Here in the country the domestic feline is our smallest contributor to the dogs’ hors d’oeuvres tray. Racoons and opossums, bunnies and deer, skunks and groundhogs, it’s abundantly clear that they’ll sample anything that stinks. My good old dog Maggie (RIP) retains the family dog stench record having rolled in and sampled rotting whale blubber from a beached blue whale at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach. Alas, the whale shit itself was long gone.

    Stu… she is in that adolescent rebellion period. In January we’re going to some beginner obedience training just to get her used to disobeying all the orders.

  4. 4 On December 18th, 2025, SB said:

    Eeewww. My Henry does that, too. I try not to think about it.

  5. 5 On December 20th, 2025, madame l. said:

    am i getting a piece of this action? after all…

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