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  • I Blame George W. Bush for the Death of Margaret Hassan

16th November 2004

I Blame George W. Bush for the Death of Margaret Hassan

posted in Friends |

Margaret Hassan

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There are currently 3 responses to “I Blame George W. Bush for the Death of Margaret Hassan”

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  1. 1 On November 18th, 2025, amy said:

    Thanks for your kind words and thoughtful posting, Frank. He was a wonderful role model for public service.

    by the by — i already play the ‘cello — the unattainable goal would be to play it well. :-)

  2. 2 On November 18th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    You’re welcome Amy. Your uncle Martin is the more remarkable for finding his path young and staying on it for a lifetime of achievement. (…also, sorry that these comments got mixed up… seems a shame to Honor Martin Kaplan in GWB terrain. These comments are meant for the preceding post…)

  3. 3 On November 20th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    You can also blame Dubya (should there be an M in there, maybe as the third letter?) for over a thousand American deaths, and, from what one can glean reading blogs and news reports, 100,000+ Iraqi deaths (would Saddam, you know, the guy with the mythical WMDs, have killed over 100,000 of his countrymen over the same time span?), and the deaths of others from countries participating in the coalition quagmire.

    Lotsa blood on Dubya’s hands. But guys like Dubya and Cheney, et al, don’t care about this. Imperial righteousness makes them really believe that those deaths were for a good cause.

    Sadly, that supposed cause is one that benefits them, and offers no solace or gain to the friends and familes of those who die.

    So be it in the modern America. Strange to be in a country where it becomes understandable that people from all over the globe hold Americans in such low regard. And that there are holy wars with America (and thus Americans)as the target of jihad.

    New Zealand, if it had the Yankees, Katz’s, and a few other things, would look real inviting right about now.

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