Nobody’s Monkey Day
When the ex-Governor of Wisconsin, anthrax fightin’, flu shot peddlin’, Mr. Health and Welfare (ne’mind Edumecation) himself - Tommy Thompson - called me today I didn’t pick up. I didn’t pick up for the greens or the naderistas or the Dumbocrats, or any of the other Repemmicans either. I didn’t pick up for my neighbor who would have urged me to vote, or for my co-religionist who would have urged me to drive the driverless on Tuesday. I didn’t pick up for the State Senator, the US Senator, the US Congressperson… is that politically correct enough? Congressperson? For gay representatives who are out of th ecloset is it okay to say Congressdyke? How about Congressfag? This is one of those deeper issues I’ll leave to the Gay Lesbian Bi Transgendered and Queer concerns community to sort out. I didn’t pick up for the Presidential candidates or for the County Clerk or for the District Attorney.
Thanks to Pen-Elayne for giving this behavior a label… “Nobody’s monkey Day!”