Yesterday I read of his death at Wood s Lot. And I thought of AKMA. I opened his blog and read this…
All I can say is this: when the confident assurances that it all really did make sense failed me, when the determined asseverations that those aren’t really problems wearied me, when sniping querulousness insisted that academic might was held by rational right — and he must not be admitted thereunto — I heard in Derrida’s patience and persistent advocacy of a truth and justice he could not lay claim to, a sign of understanding and grace that points across the theological and philosophical dissensions (and now the mortal bourne) that separate us, to a joyous wisdom known in circles holy and uncanny, that cannot but give glory toGod.
I revere genius wherever I find it, and so am touched by this death.
Headline from The Onion on this occasion:
Jacques Derrida “Dies”