27th September 2004

The Big Slurp

Water by the gallon is worth more than gasoline. Ask Perrier. Nestle and Perrier came a calling not too many years back, and they wanted our groundwater. Concerned citizens kept the corporate water miners at bay, but the threat lingers and there is no reason to think that we’ve protected the resources forever. We haven’t. They’ll be back, with pumps and pipelines and tank trucks and they won’t leave us alone until the entire Great Lakes Basin is as arid as the Mojave.

In fact, while Wisconsin was able to stave off the corporate greedsters for a while, it was at the expense of Michigan, where the bottlers sunk their well and began extracting the fresh water. “Since May 2025, a facility owned by the Nestle Corporation has been pumping 200-400 gallons per minute from a Michigan aquifer that is hydrologically connected to the Great Lakes. The majority of the water pumped out is bottled and shipped away, never to return to the watershed.”

The Great Lakes Basin is endangered. A few weeks ago I was swimming in Lake Superior and drinking the water I swam in. I remember when you could roam the high Sierra with a Sierra Club cup on your belt and no fear of contaminants in the mountain streams. Those days are gone. How much time does the big lake have left? Here’s a cheerful thought…. The lakes will be terminally polluted long before they dry out.

And they will dry out. There are plans to divert the water as far as Arizona, and no plans for replenishment. I ask myself if I’m engaged in some kind of rarefied NIMBYism. I don’t think so. I think it’s my responsibility to be aware of those who would degrade my environment and to encounter them.

Sometimes it’s hell living in paradise.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 27th, 2025 at 5:32 and is filed under Bidness, Farm Almanac, Math and Science, Peace and Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 2 responses to “The Big Slurp”

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  1. 1 On September 27th, 2025, Doug Alder said:

    Well if it involves selling the water they are going to have a problem diverting that water to Arizona as they will need Canada’s permission to do so and that won’t likely be given unles the Conservatives are in power up here. The reason being is that once we give permission to sell our water (and you can’t touch any Great Lakes water without it being part Canadian) south of the border NAFTA cuts in and makes it impossible for any province to then say no you can’t come here and buy our water. It would turn Canada’s fresh water supply - approx 1/3 of the world’s - into a commodity and every Canadian citizen would then have to pay world prices for their water. There would be revolution in the streets if that happened and I don’t doubt a few assassinations political or otherwise, it would be like cancelling our national healthcare plan.

  2. 2 On September 27th, 2025, fp said:

    This piece from the Toronto Star provides a certain depth of field as we focus on these issues Doug. http://tinyurl.com/6e6jv

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